Tuesday, June 21, 2005
make a sign after the bleep

Here's how it works: When you put a sign on the freeway people will read it until someone takes it down.
The signs on this page were seen by over ten million Californians.
They cost less than $75 to make.
Here's what you do:
1) Put paint on cardboard
2) Put cardboard on freeway
3) Repeat
qui le strategie per piazzare il vostro cartellozzo...
un internauta scrive:
Hey guys,
I found your site earlier tonight from a link on banksys site, and I fell in love.
I put up my first freeway blog tonight. Pictures are attached to this e-mail.
I live in Calgary, Alberta. I know I'll be doing a lot more,
and I'll be sure to send you all the pictures I take.
dal manifesto:
Why do I do this?
1) It's my right. Free Speech by individuals, particularly of a political nature, is what keeps democracy alive. I have just as much a right to put my signs on the freeway as Clear Channel does to build billboards. It's not Free Speech if you have to pay for it.
2) It's my responsibility. As a citizen of the United States of America, it's my duty to defend my country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I do this because I love my country and the principles of freedom, fairness and equality it was founded on. I do this because I support our troops and do not want to see their lives wasted in a war built on lies. I do this, simply put, because I am all those things that the Limbaughs, Coulters, Hannitys and O'Reillys in this world say that I'm not: a Patriotic American.
3) It's my pleasure. Don't let the simplicity of the concept fool you: Freewayblogging is a lot more than just randomly sticking signs on the freeway. Pursued to its maximum effect, freewayblogging combines the arts and sciences of rhetoric, painting, engineering, psychology, physics and sneakiness. I encourage everyone, whatever their political bent, to try it. Unless, of course, you have nothing to say.
tarted by ---gallizio
in the linucs sign making era