Wednesday, June 22, 2005
io sono banca a te (monetare il monetabile)

mario pischedda, bank of nowhere
Non confermando ne' smentendo, fatto sta che Google ha svelato a grandi linee il progetto Google wallet
Certo, l'avesse chiamato G-Money sarebbe stata tutta un'altra faccenda a livello di fascinazione, ma tant'e'...
"One of the key things this move does, if the story is accurate, is signal the launch of a potentially significant diversification effort by Google. The market will soon demand this to continue to pay such a premium for Google shares.
Roughly 98 % of Google’s revenues now come from advertising. PayPal was responsible for almost 25% of eBay’s first-quarter revenue.
There’s no guarantee this would succeed and become a big revenue generator for Google (Microsoft’s Passport failed).
facile no? Occorre monetare cio' che monetato non e'. upto 25% of e-bay quarterly revenues.
Monetardi si nasce, e modestamente... io lo nacqui...
[Tengasi pero' conto che non c'e' peggior monetardo di chi non vuole monetare...]
(...) Convenience and, especially, trust are key elements that will determine whether Google Wallet will succeed.
quali meglio delle orbitanti nelle FOSS sono community basate sul forte rapporto/legame di fiducia tra aderenti?
Monetate gente, monetate...
Google has struggled a bit in the trust department lately, with initiatives such as My Search History, Accelerator, Autolink and others raising privacy concerns. Because of its enormous success, some people are starting to regard Google with the skepticism that Microsoft routinely encounters".
Come dire: "Morto un microsoft se ne fa un altro"
tarted by ---gallizio
in the quasi-money trustee era