Monday, June 27, 2005

mario pischedda, coi media sotto le sue scarpe - senza neanche chiederle di stare fermo
leggo su linucs e doverosamente riporto:
valutare i media, come si fa?
piu' o meno cosi':
How to evaluate Mainstream Media
The mainstream media [MM], to which both newspapers, magazines, radio- and TV-programmes must be counted, are increasingly pressed by internet-bloggers. These, on the contrary, may be focusing on certain issues. Both seem not to be giving a balanced news reporting which you at least from the MM could expect.
Now, in Summer 2005, there are some items that are worthwhile considering to find out if your frequently consulted MM has serious blind spots which generally makes their reporting unreliable. Selecting five prominent topics, I recommend to investigate, if a given MM reported on the mere existance of the following themes:
1. The Downing Street Memo / Minute (presented in Sunday Times May 2005) and later leaked documents, which prove that Blair and Bush agreed upon the Iraq attack in July 2002.
2. The crooked American Elections (Nov. 2004) with hacked election machines, exit polls contradicting the final results and many other manipulations.
3. The Israeli land-grab around Jerusalem (eternal process) and other aspects of terror against the Palestinian inhabitants of the West Bank and Gaza.
4. The framing of innocent drivers as ‘suicide-bombers’ in Iraq (Mar. 2005), loading their vehicles with later remotely ignited bombs
5. The torture-scandal in Afghanistan (May 2005), where an innocent taxi-driver was hung up in his feet untill he died – as symbolic for many other imprisonment scandals in the wave of socalled terroritis.
You may provide excellency to your search, differentiating the following possibilities to the ‘covering intensity’ of each item:
0 point No mention at all
2 point Ridiculizing the issue (but at least mentioning it)
3 points Contradicting any relevance (but at least mentioning it)
5 points Singular, uncommented notification of the issue (not page one)
10 points Repeated notification of the issue referred from the first page
Please notice that there is no demand for editorial conclusions. In this ‘Truth-Scale,’ your preferred MM may receive from 0 points (deafening effect of lies and propaganda) to 50 points (reliable news source, as subscribers may expect and the many journalists should be paid for to deliver). But why make all the search work for yourself? Just copy this page and aske your favorite MM to fill out the table for themselves, merely with the date given where the criteria were fulfilled (you can easily check for that)
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